Opening Your Medical Exercise Training Practice - MET 101 Tip 20


MET 101 Tip 20: Opening Your Medical Exercise Training Practice

Hello, Medical Exercise Professionals! In our latest video, Dr. Mike Jones dives into the exciting topic of establishing your own medical exercise training (MET) practice. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand, here are some key takeaways from Tip #20 in our MET 101 series.

Explore Your Options:

  1. Solo Practitioner: Many MET professionals begin their journey as solo practitioners, often providing services from their homes or at clients' locations. This low-cost, flexible option allows you to build a solid client base and develop essential referral relationships.
  2. Home Studios: Transforming a part of your home into a dedicated MET studio can be an excellent way to manage overhead costs while providing a professional space for clients. Glenn Foley's successful home studio in Mississauga, Ontario, is a great example.
  3. Commercial Space: Leasing a commercial space offers greater flexibility and the potential...
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Minimizing MET Liability - MET 101 Tip 13


In "MET 101 Ebook Tip 13," Dr. Mike delves into the critical aspects of liability and client screening within the realm of medical exercise training. He underscores the importance of ensuring clients are suitable for exercise programs through comprehensive medical history assessments and screenings. This approach is not only a matter of best practice but a crucial step in mitigating liability and enhancing client safety. Dr. Mike revisits the concept of red flags identified during client assessments, which may necessitate referrals back to medical professionals, emphasizing the legal and ethical responsibilities of fitness and medical exercise professionals.

Key points from the video include:

Thorough Client Screening: Essential for identifying any red flags that indicate a client may not be suitable for exercise without further medical evaluation.

Understanding of Medical Stability: Dr. Mike explains the importance of ensuring a client is medically stable, meaning their symptoms...

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Obtaining Medical Referrals - MET 101 eBook Tip 12


In MET101 Tip 12 Dr Mike reviews the guidelines and importance of obtaining a referral when you begin training a client with a medical condition(s). Remember, as a MedXPRO we are not licensed medical professionals, but we can easily identify red flags as outlined in the Medical Exercise Specialist and Post Rehab Conditioning Specialist workshops. These red flags may save a client's life. 


Key insights from the video include:

Critical Referral Timing: Emphasizes the importance of referring clients to medical professionals within the first year of their injury, surgery, or condition for optimal recovery and management.

Red Flags for Referral: Identifies specific red flags such as radiating pain, numbness, tingling, loss of range of motion, swelling, and night pain, which necessitate caution and potentially a medical referral.

Monitoring Vital Signs: Stresses the importance of monitoring clients' temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure, especially in the context of the...

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The Opera and Medical Exercise Training - Tip 11


In this MET 101 eBook Tip 11, Dr Mike uses opera to explain the complexity and depth of knowledge required in the medical exercise field.  


5 Key Highlights from MET 101 Tip 11: 


Introduction to Complex Medical Concepts: Dr. Mike emphasizes the importance of understanding medical terminology, anatomy, physiology, and pathology to navigate the healthcare field effectively. 

Scope of Practice for Medical Exercise Professionals: The video outlines the wide range of services that can be offered within the scope of practice, stressing the importance of not infringing on other professionals' scopes. 

Comprehensive Client Assessment: It highlights the need for a thorough assessment coupled with cardiovascular, flexibility, and strength training, along with functional conditioning and balance training, to aid clients in returning to their daily activities after therapy services have concluded. 

Lifestyle Education and Small Group...

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Medical Exercise Training 101 eBook

The "MET101 eBook" is a detailed manual containing 101 tips for fitness professionals evolving into Medical Exercise Training (MET), crafted by Michael K. Jones, PhD, PT. This guide aims to integrate healthcare and fitness, providing a foundation for creating successful MET practices. It distinguishes MET from other fitness disciplines by concentrating on exercise programs for individuals recovering from medical treatments. The eBook encompasses a wide range of topics, from MET's fundamentals to the requisite skills for initiating a MET practice, making it vital for those looking to enhance patient care and build connections with the medical community.

1. Understanding MET and Its Scope:
 The focus on function in MET
 Types of MET clients
 Differences between MET services and physical therapy
 Explaining MET to clients
 Offering MET services in healthcare professional offices
 The comprehensive nature of MET beyond...

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Explaining Medical Exercise Training to Your Client


Hey Medical Exercise Professionals and Personal Trainers!

This video titled "MET 101 Ebook Tip 6", part of the renowned Medical Exercise Training 101 ebook series, offers valuable insights for professionals in the medical exercise field. It focuses on the nuances of building a successful medical exercise training practice, emphasizing the importance of clear communication, and understanding in the realm of medical exercise. The video addresses common misconceptions and provides practical advice for professionals navigating the intersection of exercise and medical care. Here's why every medical exercise professional needs to watch this:

  1. Mastering Client Management: Learn the art of managing clients and forging strong connections with medical professionals. This video is your guide to building a robust medical exercise practice.
  2. Demystifying the Field: Say goodbye to the confusion between medical exercise trainers and physical therapists. This video clears the air, setting the...
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