Opening Your Medical Exercise Training Practice - MET 101 Tip 20


🌟 MET 101 Tip 20: Opening Your Medical Exercise Training Practice 🌟

Hello, Medical Exercise Professionals! In our latest video, Dr. Mike Jones dives into the exciting topic of establishing your own medical exercise training (MET) practice. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand, here are some key takeaways from Tip #20 in our MET 101 series.

Explore Your Options:

  1. Solo Practitioner: Many MET professionals begin their journey as solo practitioners, often providing services from their homes or at clients' locations. This low-cost, flexible option allows you to build a solid client base and develop essential referral relationships.
  2. Home Studios: Transforming a part of your home into a dedicated MET studio can be an excellent way to manage overhead costs while providing a professional space for clients. Glenn Foley's successful home studio in Mississauga, Ontario, is a great example.
  3. Commercial Space: Leasing a commercial space offers greater flexibility and the potential to scale your services. Numerous MET professionals have thrived by setting up studios, allowing them to offer a wider range of programs and cater to more clients.
  4. Gym/Health Club Settings: Working within a gym or health club as a staff member or contractor provides access to a ready-made client base and the opportunity to collaborate with other fitness professionals.
  5. Clinical Settings: Setting up shop in a physical therapy or chiropractic clinic allows for close collaboration with therapists and chiropractors. This setup can lead to strong referral networks and a steady stream of clients.
  6. Corporate Settings: Offering MET services within corporate environments can address the needs of injured workers and promote overall workplace wellness. This option often involves coordinating with corporate medical departments and physical therapy services.

Golden Era for MET: With the growing demand for medical exercise training, especially among individuals aged 50 and above, now is the perfect time to establish your practice. Building strong, ethical, and professional relationships with local physical therapists and physicians is crucial for success.

Resources and Networking: Don't forget to download our free MET 101 eBook at and join our Medical Exercise Specialist Network for access to valuable resources and support.

Stay tuned for more tips and best practices to help you build a thriving medical exercise training practice. The opportunities are endless, and with the right approach, your success is just around the corner!

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