Post Rehab Exercise Protocols

Post Rehab Exercise Protocols
The “PREPS” – Post Rehab Exercise Protocols finally gives you step by step post rehab protocols and guidelines. PREPS is the advanced version of our original Post Rehab Protocols published in 1997. We expanded the original protocols by adding 50 additional protocols and guidelines. In all, PREPS contains protocols for more than 60 medical conditions. Individual protocols are available but a a significantly higher price than the complete manual. PREPS are based on the outcomes of 1989 post rehab clients over a three-year period.
Each PREP or protocol contains essential components that are vital to the development of a safe and effective exercise program. PREPS is unprecedented because these protocols are designed specifically for use when establishing post rehab conditioning programs. These are the first and only post rehab protocols available with such detail for post rehab professionals. The essentials components found in each PREP include:
- Clinical Anatomy/Pathology/Biomechanics
- Post Rehab Criteria
- Post Rehab Goals
- Post Rehab Assessment Guidelines
- Post Rehab Precautions
- Post Rehab Progression Guidelines
- Post Rehab Fitness Program Summary
- Post Rehab Exercise Flowcharts
- Post Rehab Exercise Descriptions
- Post Rehab Red Flags
- Post Rehab Exercise Selection
These components will make your job much easier as a post rehab professional and allow you to connect with medical professionals in your community. If you have ever guessed when to end an exercise or how ot assess a client, PREPS will help you take the guesswork out of post rehab fitness.
The PREPS manual contains 644-pages of assessment, exercise selection and progression guidelines. Each PREP contains post rehab flowcharts and exercise diagrams so you can see exactly how to manage the post rehab program for your clients with medical conditions. The 60 conditions in the PREPS manual include:
Achilles’ Tendon Rupture | Addison’s Disease | Alzheimer’s Disease |
Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis | Ankle Fx/Sprain | Ankylosing Spondylitis |
ACL Rupture | Bicipital Tendinitis | Brachial Plexus Injury |
Cancer | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Cerebral Palsy |
Cerebrovascular Accident | Cervical Strain/Herniation | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome |
COPD | Closed Head Injury | Colles’ Fracture |
Congestive Heart Failure | Diabetes | Fibromyalgia |
Frozen Shoulder | Greater Trochanteric Bursitis | Guillian-Barre Syndrome |
Hypertension | IT Band Syndrome | Impingement Syndrome |
Laminectomy | LCL Sprain | Lateral Epicondylitis |
Knee Meniscus Tear | Lumbar Disc Herniation | Lumbar Disorders |
MCL Sprain | Medial Epicondylitis | Multiple Sclerosis |
Myocardial Infarct | Osteoarthritis | Osteoporosis |
Parkinson’s Disease | Patella Tendon Rupture | Patellectomy |
Patello-Femoral Syndrome | Piriformis Syndrome | Plantar Fasciitis |
Post Polio Syndrome | PCL Rupture | Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Rotator Cuff Tear | Shoulder Dislocation | Spinal Cord Injury |
Spinal Fusion | Spinal Stenosis | Spondylolisthesis |
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus | Thoracic Outlet Syndrome | Tibial Plateau Fracture |
Total Hip Replacement | Total Knee Replacement | Total Shoulder Replacement |
You can see PREPS gives you guidelines for virtually every condition you will encounter in any fitness setting. The PREPS manual is only $149 for the hard copy or $99 for the manual on CD. To order your copy, follow one of the links below. PREPS is a must for every post rehab professional.

METI Mission Statement
To "Bridge the Gap Between Healthcare and Fitness" by providing forums to educate fitness professionals to work cooperatively with medical professionals to develop safe and effective fitness and conditioning programs for clients with musculoskeletal, neurological, metabolic and cardiovascular conditions. The effectiveness of these fitness programs is based on functional outcome measures universally understood by medical professionals, fitness professionals and insurance carriers. The goal is to make medical exercise training the next logical step for clients and medical professionals after discharge from physical therapy, chiropractic care and medical care.
PREPS Hard Copy
Purchase the Post Rehab Exercise Protocols hard copy for just $149 + $9 (S&H).
Purchase the Post Rehab Exercise Protocols CD for just $99 + $5 (S&H).
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