The 8 Habits You Need to Master as a Medical Exercise Professional


Running a successful medical exercise (ME) practice takes more than just certifications and knowledge. It requires a set of habits that ensure you deliver top-quality services while building strong relationships with clients and medical professionals. In MET101 Tip 34, Dr. Mike shares eight key habits that all successful ME professionals possess:

  • Define Your Role: Make it clear to medical professionals and clients what your role is in the healthcare continuum.
  • Document and Report: Consistently document your findings and report to healthcare providers to ensure a professional approach.
  • Follow Up: Regularly check in with clients and healthcare providers to monitor progress and address any concerns.
  • Assess and Reassess: Continuously assess clients to ensure they are progressing towards their goals.

  • Progress Clients: Set new goals and avoid stagnation. Once clients plateau, consider shifting them to personal training.
  • Motivate Clients: Help clients push through discomfort while staying mindful of their pain levels.
  • Present Professionally: Present to medical professionals, organizations, and support groups to promote the benefits of ME services.
  • Educate Clients and the Community: Provide education on exercise, wellness, and your scope of practice to both clients and the wider community.

These habits are easy to incorporate into your professional life but require intentionality and consistency. With these habits, you can grow your practice and establish yourself as a leading medical exercise professional in your community.

For a more in-depth guide on building a successful ME practice, download your FREE copy of the MET 101 ebook at This ebook provides valuable tips and strategies to help you thrive.

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